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18.05.2008 13:15
News: WoW: Alpha-Testphase von Wrath of the Lich King gestartet Antworten

News: WoW: Alpha-Testphase von Wrath of the Lich King gestartet
Kategorie: World of Warcraft, Mobizine - WoW | 18.05.08 | 11:45 Uhr

Die ersten Spieler reisen nach Nordend +++UPDATE+++

Wie die Webseite berichtet, ist der "Friends & Family"-Alpha-Test zu Wrath of the Lich King gestartet. Nach Informationen, die trotz der obligatorischen Nachrichtensperre durchsickert sein sollen, sind bereits vier Zonen und vier Instanzen spielbar. Die Tester gelangen offenbar von Orgrimmar und Unterstadt beziehungsweise von Theramore und Menethil auf den neuen Kontinent. Dort toben sich Druiden, Magier, Priester, Schamanen, Hexenmeister und Krieger angeblich bereits mit neuen Talenten aus. Auch Todesritter sollen spielbar sein.

+++ UPDATE +++

Arthas und Uther

Findige Fans haben offenbar die ersten Soundfiles aus dem Client ausgelesen. Mit dabei ist angeblich unter anderem auch das folgende Gespräch zwischen Arthas und Uther, das allem Anschein nach aus der neuen Instanz in den Höhlen der Zeit stammt - und so auch bereits in Warcraft 3 stattfand.

» Arthas: Glad you could make it Uther.
Uther: Watch your tone with me boy, you may be the prince but i'm still your superior as a paladin.
Arthas: As if i could forget, listen Uther, there's something about the plague you should know.
Arthas: Oh no, we're too late. these people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead
Uther: What!?
Arthas: This entire city must be purged.
Uther: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
Arthas: Dammit Uther, as your future king i order you to purge this city.
Uther: You are not my king yet boy! Nor would i obey that command even if you were!
Arthas: Then i must consider this an act of treason.
Uther: Treason! Have you lost your mind Arthas?
Arthas: Have I? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, i hereby relieve you from your command andsuspend your paladins from service.
Jaina: Arthas... You can't just...
Arthas: It's done, those of you who have the will to save this land follow me, the rest of you get out of my sight.
Uther: You've just crossed a terrible threshold Arthas.
Arthas: Jaina...
Jaina: I'm sorry Arthas, I can't let you do this. «

Sobald es neue Informationen gibt, erfahrt Ihr es natürlich bei uns. Im Folgenden lest Ihr die aktuellsten englischen Patchnotes, die angeblich an die auserwählte Alpha-Testerschaft verschickt wurden - eine Bestätigung von Blizzard liegt noch nicht vor:

»Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family Alpha. The list below contains information on the current available content available for testing and general information. This information is subject to change.

• The continent of Northrend is now available! To travel there, visit one of four transportation masters in either Orgrimmar, Undercity, Theramore,or Menethil Harbor.
• Transportation between Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra can be found at the Tuskarr villages in those zones.
• NPC Transportation Locations
Undercity to Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)
Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)
Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Holwing Fjord)
Theramore Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)

World Environment Zones
• The following zones are available for testing: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills

• The following dungeons are available for testing:
Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep (70-72)
Howling Fjord: Utgarde Pinnacle (80)
Borean Tundra: The Nexus (70-72)
Grizzly Hills: Drak’Tharon Keep (74-76)

• All Classes are available for play. Spells and talents will be available for testing past 70 for the following classes: Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior
• The Death Knight Hero class is now available for play.
Creating a new Death Knight will start you at level 55 in Eastern Plaguelands.
No starting quests are implemented though Death Knight abilities will be available for testing.
Several Death Knight talents, although they will appear on the talent pane, are not yet implemented.

• The following tradeskills are available to train up to 450: First Aid, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning.«

+++ UPDATE +++

Weitere Patch Notes

Mittlerweile wurden auf der Webseite zusätzlich auch ältere Patchnotes veröffentlicht. Im Vergleich zu den aktuellen Notes zeigt sich deutlich, wie die Entwicklung der Alpha-Version voranschreitet. Eine Bestätigung von Blizzard steht nach wie vor aus.

- No character creation is available for this portion of testing.
- The level cap has been set to 74.

NPC Transportation Locations
- Horde
Undercity to Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)
Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)
- Alliance
Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Howling Fjord)
Theramore Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)

- All classes are available for play.
- Spells and talents past 70 are available for testing for the following classes: Mage, Warrior.

- Inscription is available for testing for skill levels 1-200.
- Enchanting is available for testing for skill levels 375-450.

- Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep
- Borean Tundra: The Nexus

World Environment: Zones
- The following zones are available for testing: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills«

Wenn Ihr mehr über Wrath of the Lich King erfahren wollt, dann schaut Euch unsere große WotLK-Preview an: Wir haben Blizzard besucht und einen ganzen Sack voll Informationen sowie spannende Interviews mitgebracht.

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